domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


A. Circle the correct verb.
1 The lottery winner may have/ is having problems when he is older.
2 When she was seeing/ saw him, she didn't remember/wasn't remembering his name.
3 I might not/won't be at school tomorrow morning. I'm going/'ll go to the dentist.
4 Don't wait for me. I may/won't be late.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 A I can't do this exercise.
B Don't worry. I ..... "' (help) You'
2 A What would You like to drink?
B I.... ." (have) coffee' Please'
3 We . .....' (go) to Spain for a holiday next year, but we aren't sure.
4 I ..... .. (not come) to school tomorrow I'm going on holiday.

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 ... you ever 100 % in an English test? (see)
2 I.... ...... to my favourite uncle yesterday. (speak)
3 Please be quiet. I ... a test. (do)
4 Martin's aunt .... '...... a music shop in Edinburgh since 1986. (own)
5 My father ..... ...... at the moment because he's ill' (not work)
6 a cup of coffee? (want)
7 The children are in their bedroom. They computer games. (Play)
B We . . ' in this house when I was a baby. (not live)
9 . '. Kelly her Parents when she arrived in Edinburgh? (Phone)
10 I ..... .... never .... to the theatre. (go) your homework yet? (finish)
12 I ..... ...... Real Madrid are the best team in the world' (think)
13 Kelly and Jack ... at Edinburgh Castle when they met. (be)

D Gomplete the sentences using a prePosition and Your own ideas. ln some sentences you can use more than one preposition.
in about . on .from .of .by . with
1 As a child I was very frightened ...
2 I always wanted my Parents to be proud ...
3 I often feel slightlY worried ..
4 I get very angry ...
5 I am very excited . -.
6 I am quite interested ...
7 I can tell You one thing. I'm fed up ...
8 I've never been very lzeen ...
9 My holiday this Year was very different ...
10 In the summer I sometimes gef tired ...

E Compete the sentences using each of the adjectives below with the correct preposition.
frightened proud different excited worried angry keen
1 His father was ... him about the broken window.
2 Lisa's parents were very ... her medal.
3 It's amazing but his elder brother is ... spiders!
4 I didn't realise that Silvia was so ... Sam!
5 The twins are actually quite ... each other.
6 I'll phone as soon as I arrive so you won't be ... us.

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